tirsdag, september 19, 2006

Process in the project.

Start: lazy part.. fuzzy front end.
Big importent decissions: could work all through the night if I get great ideas.
Deadline hell: pay for all the lazyness in the beginning..have to work all night through to finish the project.

Exploring the problem is very importent to go on.
How to be more efficient?
Use more time at the begining!
Until the decission is made, use a great lot of time - the decissions are expensive, so make sure it is a good, workedthrough decission.
There is most about the creativity in the beginning (there are a lot of creativity in the detailing-part, but it is easier at that part, because lots of decissions are already taken).
Force yourself to work, do not belive that ideas will fall down in your head, you have to work them out.
Rmove constraints and blockages, research in sevral areas, open minded, get impulses from other people.

What is the real problem?

Boundary examination.

I get more and more awere of my way of working - where my weaknesses and my strengths are, where I have to put in more hard work. I do not have to wait until deadline is too close, to get something done..

Test å ta for seg: Hva er jeg god til og hva er jeg dårlig til?