Design process.
A project is often carried out by a team, there are time consraints decided by some one else, than you. There is a limited amount of money awailible. Technology, matherials,
size, usergroup, people you work with and production methodes are other constraints you will have to deal with.
To follow a designprocess, enable us to manage all aspects in a project. It is a quit industrial way of working, and are not often used by eg. artists.
The first fase of the process, is the brief - telling you about the problem you are to solve. Then you have to explore the problem. What is really the problem? It isn´t alway what the client think it is. After this fase, where there has been done a lot of resarch, you start to generate ideas and then come up with conceps. The part until this point is to be the exiting part, but most people do not like this part - it is all so unsecure, you have to come up with a lot of solutions. Did I come up with the best solution? Personally I thik this part is the most exciting one. Researching, ideageration and comming up with conceps, I like this much better than finishing of the work..
Futher on in the process, the decissions are to be taken, planning, visulalisation, prototyping and testing. Then detailed designing, pre-production and testing again, then you hopefully got the project.
This is a typical design process, it will enable us to manage all aspects in a project, it is very mechanical - industrial process, not used by artists..
A project is often carried out by a team, there are time consraints decided by some one else, than you. There is a limited amount of money awailible. Technology, matherials,
size, usergroup, people you work with and production methodes are other constraints you will have to deal with.
To follow a designprocess, enable us to manage all aspects in a project. It is a quit industrial way of working, and are not often used by eg. artists.
The first fase of the process, is the brief - telling you about the problem you are to solve. Then you have to explore the problem. What is really the problem? It isn´t alway what the client think it is. After this fase, where there has been done a lot of resarch, you start to generate ideas and then come up with conceps. The part until this point is to be the exiting part, but most people do not like this part - it is all so unsecure, you have to come up with a lot of solutions. Did I come up with the best solution? Personally I thik this part is the most exciting one. Researching, ideageration and comming up with conceps, I like this much better than finishing of the work..
Futher on in the process, the decissions are to be taken, planning, visulalisation, prototyping and testing. Then detailed designing, pre-production and testing again, then you hopefully got the project.
This is a typical design process, it will enable us to manage all aspects in a project, it is very mechanical - industrial process, not used by artists..
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