onsdag, september 20, 2006


Vanskelig å velge metoder som kan gjøres sammen i hele klassen, fungerer bedre når vi deles opp i mindre grupper og "explorer".

tirsdag, september 19, 2006

Process in the project.

Start: lazy part.. fuzzy front end.
Big importent decissions: could work all through the night if I get great ideas.
Deadline hell: pay for all the lazyness in the beginning..have to work all night through to finish the project.

Exploring the problem is very importent to go on.
How to be more efficient?
Use more time at the begining!
Until the decission is made, use a great lot of time - the decissions are expensive, so make sure it is a good, workedthrough decission.
There is most about the creativity in the beginning (there are a lot of creativity in the detailing-part, but it is easier at that part, because lots of decissions are already taken).
Force yourself to work, do not belive that ideas will fall down in your head, you have to work them out.
Rmove constraints and blockages, research in sevral areas, open minded, get impulses from other people.

What is the real problem?

Boundary examination.

I get more and more awere of my way of working - where my weaknesses and my strengths are, where I have to put in more hard work. I do not have to wait until deadline is too close, to get something done..

Test å ta for seg: Hva er jeg god til og hva er jeg dårlig til?

torsdag, september 14, 2006

Is it a good way of solving problems by always following a linear process?

I thing it is a good way to get startet, to come about the problem, you can always turn back and do it over again if you get better ideas, but it is vise to make decissions.

More knowledge the futher away you go on.

onsdag, september 13, 2006

Design process.

A project is often carried out by a team, there are time consraints decided by some one else, than you. There is a limited amount of money awailible. Technology, matherials,
size, usergroup, people you work with and production methodes are other constraints you will have to deal with.

To follow a designprocess, enable us to manage all aspects in a project. It is a quit industrial way of working, and are not often used by eg. artists.

The first fase of the process, is the brief - telling you about the problem you are to solve. Then you have to explore the problem. What is really the problem? It isn´t alway what the client think it is. After this fase, where there has been done a lot of resarch, you start to generate ideas and then come up with conceps. The part until this point is to be the exiting part, but most people do not like this part - it is all so unsecure, you have to come up with a lot of solutions. Did I come up with the best solution? Personally I thik this part is the most exciting one. Researching, ideageration and comming up with conceps, I like this much better than finishing of the work..

Futher on in the process, the decissions are to be taken, planning, visulalisation, prototyping and testing. Then detailed designing, pre-production and testing again, then you hopefully got the project.

This is a typical design process, it will enable us to manage all aspects in a project, it is very mechanical - industrial process, not used by artists..

tirsdag, september 12, 2006

Project theme..

Individual and social creativity.

Creativity result in a large part from interaction and collaboration with other individuals.

How can the motivation for creative behavior / creativity be influenced by the social environment? The ways in which it can be maintained and stimulated. Which social factors might impact creativity?

How the social context can influence motivation and how motivation (in conjuction with personal skills and thinking styles) can lead to the expression of creativity behaviour (within a context)?

How creativity actually happens (supporting and increasing essential aspects of human performance)?

How to enhance creativity?

Emotional creativity (understanding and learning from one´s own and others emotions, experience unusual emotions, express emotions honestly).

Concous - inconcousness in the brain.

tirsdag, september 05, 2006

Article review.

The concept of creativity: Prospects and Paradigms.

At an individual level, creativity is relevant, for example, when one is solving problems on the job and in daily life.
At a societal level, creativity can lead to new scientific findings, new movements in art, new inventions, and new social programs.

The first major twentieth-century theoretical approach: Creativity arises from tension between conscious reality and unconscious drives.

Freud: Proposed that writers and artists produce creative work as a way to express their unconscious wishes (power, riches, fame, honor or love) in a publicly acceptable fashion.

The psychoanalytic approach introduced:
Adaptive regression: The primary process refers to the intrusion of unmodulated thoughts in consciousness (occur during active problem solving, often during sleep, intoxication from drugs, fantasies or daydreams, or psychoses.
Elaboration: The secondary process refers to the reworking and transformation of primary process material through reality-oriented, ego-controlled thinking.

Kubie: The preconscious, which falls between conscious reality and the encrypted unconscious, is the true source of creativity because thoughts are loose and vague but interpretable. That unconscious conflicts actually have a negative effect on creativity because they lead to fixated, repetitive thoughts.
Birger Sevaldson snakker om kreativitet.

Menneskene rundt deg påvirker deg i stor grad, de kan være utslagsgivene for om du klarer å slippe kreativiteten løs eller om den ikke klare å hentes frem.
(Om du ikke føler deg overvåket eller utrygg, kan det være vanskelig å få utløp for det.)

En er kreativ når en er ute av kontroll..
(som teorien om at "mental illness" gjør deg mer kreativ?.. fungerer så absolutt ikke for meg, men er velkjent særlig blant forfattere og musikere.)

Om du opplever å stoppe opp i fremdriften av et prosjekt, snu om på metoden du bruker, tenk prosess på en annen måte enn det du er vant til.

Anbefaller bøkene: Flow og Visual thinking.